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FBPro Tools
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBPro Gold
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) Suite 99
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBEdit Pro 99
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBUtil 99
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBPlayCheck
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) DraftPak edit
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) DraftPak files
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBRad
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) FBPots
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) EZCap
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) League Files
Win Tools
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) Xplorer Plus
Dev Tools
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) OnTop
General Info
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) Order Info
chkbull.jpg (714 bytes) About SlashWare

Xplorer Plus
It has the same look and feel of windows Explorer but adds the ability to print.

fbprobutton.jpg (2354 bytes)

Copyright © 2001 SlashWare. Shareware for Sierra Sports Football Pro Contact the webmaster

fbprogold_banner.jpg (7411 bytes)

League Files

File Author Description
NFL76 Unknown VP Format, NFL 1976 Season. v. 1.0
USFL83 CoachT VP Format, all USFL league files use the PPP's included with the USFL84.
USFL84 CoachT VP Format, all USFL league files use the PPP's included with the USFL84.
USFL86 CoachT VP Format, This is a speculation league, as the USFL never played its 86 season. All USFL league files use the PPP's included with the USFL84.
VPPly00 CoachT This is the converted 2000 rosters file - haven't spent alot of time testing it at all, so there may be some updates.  It is the Players00 league converted to modified VP format.
VPPly00h CoachT New VPPly00 files with the draft csv included in the
VPFF CoachT This is a 28-team league made up of fictional players and fictional franchises, converted to modified VP ratings, made for those who like fictional leagues.  It can be used as-is, or pooled and re-drafted for new leagues.
arrow.gif (877 bytes)EZCap
EZCap_mid.jpg (4176 bytes)
Salary cap tool for the single player as well as on-line Leagues.

arrow.gif (877 bytes)DraftPak edit
DrafPak edit 2
"DPEdit is one of the best utilities ever..."
-Stefan Thiel

arrow.gif (877 bytes)FBPots
Hide the pots by years you select or hide the real pots and show what a scout may think a player is worth by his guess of what a players pots may be.

arrow.gif (877 bytes)FBPlayCheck
FBPlayCheck_mid.jpg (3076 bytes)
Validate custom plays used in head to play and update the log file with the actual plays.

arrow.gif (877 bytes)FBRad
FBRad Adjust the player ratings for the entire league by using a template.